A robot is a program that automatically traverses the Web's hypertext structure by retrieving a document, and recursively retrieving all documents that are referenced.
Web site owners use the /robots.txt file to give instructions about their site to web robots.
It works likes this: a robot wants to vists a Web site URL, say http://www.example.com/
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
The "User-agent: *" means this section applies to all robots. The "Disallow: /" tells the robot that it should not visit any pages on the site.
There are two important considerations when using /robots.txt:
a. can ignore your /robots.txt. Especially malware robots that scan the web for security vulnerabilities, and email address harvesters used by spammers will pay no attention.
b. /robots.txt file is a publicly available file. Anyone can see what sections of your server you don't want robots to use.
So don't try to use /robots.txt to hide information.
1. To exclude all robots from the entire server
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
2. To allow all robots complete access
User-agent: *
3. To exclude all robots from part of the server
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /junk/
4. To exclude a single robot
User-agent: BadBot
Disallow: /
5. To allow a single robot
User-agent: Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
6. To prevent all robots from indexing a page on your site, place the following meta tag into the head section of your page:
meta name="robots" content="noindex"
7. Submitted your URL to be indexed via: